Kodak Vision 3 500T Film in my Vintage Nikon

Kodak Vision 500T is a standard for low-light cinema film. Used in films as diverse as Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Jackie, Shutter Island, and The Hateful Eight, the film is known for its distinct look and ability to capture a certain “feel” in low-light situations. You can find it cut down into the lengths needed for 35mm and medium format cameras. Typically it comes in 100 and 400 ft rolls. Shooting the film requires either a home development (which I do), or sending it to certain developing shops that specialize in cinema film. There is an extra layer of protection on the back side of the film that requires one more step in the development process - removing the chalky remjet layer which works to protect the film in high-speed movie cameras.

I took a short walk through my town of Clarksburg, WV, last week and used a roll in my 70’s Nikon FE. I didn’t expect the results to be as interesting as they were. It ended up being a really fun hour, and I got to really experiment with light. I had my Helios 44/2 lens slapped onto the Nikon, so that’s you can drink up the lens flare. Enjoy!
